Click to see Video and images of the free Time Capsule Event at the HudsonRiver Maritime Museum Barn.

Click to see the official Time Capsule Dedication Ceremony commemorating sealing the Time Capsule in the Cornerstone.

Click to see everything created for the new Time Capsule. This is a profile of our community in all its creative power.


A time capsule from 1921 was discovered in the cornerstone of the century-old Wurts Street Bridge when work began on its restoration. Unfortunately, we'll never know what messages were lost - time and moisture ruined the contents. We understand there was a Kingston directory and some other correspondence, but all are sludge at the bottom of the unsealed metal box.

We were inspired to invite everyone to create material for a new time capsule... to create a snapshot of our city and our community at this moment in time. Over 2 years, while work on the bridge continued and we were filming the process for the upcoming documentary, community organizations and individuals added artwork, messages and interviews to the capsule project answering our basic question - "What is your message to the Future?"

Thank You to everyone who participated!




The project culminated in a FREE, family friendly event co-produced with the Hudson River Maritime Museum in the beautiful Clearwater Barn over Father’s Day weekend on June 17th and 18th, 2023. There were interactive workshops for the whole family; a chance to videotape a personal message to the future, write a message in a bottle, contribute to a community mural, meet with community organizations and get a preview of the upcoming documentary.

Highlights included: Musical guests: Pablo Shine Trio / Jay Unger and Molly Mason

Historic talks: Stephen Blauweiss / Louis Timperio and Dave Longendyke

Check out the ARCHIVE to see everything that was created to go in the new Time Capsule!

Thank you to our community partners and sponsors!


On October 26, 2023, the City of Kingston officially dedicated the new Time Capsule for the Wurts Street Bridge in commemoration of the historic restoration of the century-old structure. 

The Time Capsule Project was created as the Documentary Film on the renovation and history of the Bridge was in process. This beautiful icon spans the Rondout Creek and connects communities. The Time Capsule Project reflects the connections made from the past to the present and reaches out to the future.

At the dedication, Kingston Mayor Steven T. Noble, Esopus Supervisor Danielle Freer and DOT Regional Director Lance MacMillan, PE, spoke of the importance of this renovation and thanked the spectacular teams of workers that made this challenging project such a success. Filmmakers Neville Bean and Robert Vandeweghe spoke about the scope of the upcoming documentary and how they have borne witness to this extraordinary renovation.

The Time Capsule was buried with all it’s treasures in the Cornerstone to await its opening in 2123!


VIDEO INTERVIEWS: We videotaped dozens of interviews asking the question: “What is Your message to the future?” The messages were gathered at a series of events and are in turn heartfelt, poignant and amusing… a snapshot of our community. Check them out!


These projects were created by community organizations and individual artists to communicate to the future about our hopes and dreams and to give a glimpse into our lives here in 2023. Everything was either in digital form on CDs or flash drives or was physically placed in the time capsule.

My Kingston Kid's Star Nigro created a miniature art presentation to fit in the Time Capsule.

My Kingston Kids photography project - facilitated by Star Nigro.

These are images that are meaningful from the fifty-one youth ages 13-18 throughout the Hudson Valley that contributed their point of view created from an after school photography program series with Star and MYKK. She also handcrafted this miniature presentation box to be sent to the future  - It consists of tiny archival prints, all the artist’s names, local maps, a tiny message in a bottle and a thumb drive with all the images.  


Hot rivets from the original bridge construction contrast with modern bolts designed to take the bridge into the next century. Contributed by Wurts Bridge Constructors, LLC along with laminated photos of the bridge under renovation, as well as badges and stickers.

Town of Esopus Story is a comprehensive book of research. It tells the rich, storied history of the area. Because of space restraints in the Time capsule itself, this major work was copied onto a thumb-drive and sent off into the future.

Region 8 DOT - Department of Transportation contributed a modern safety vest to the Time Capsule along with the team’s business cards. The bridge workers were honored during the DOT Time Capsule Dedication ceremony for their incredible skill and teamwork.

Images of America, Esopus was donated to the Time Capsule by Town Supervisor of Esopus, Danielle Freer. This iconic book of Esopus History is inscribed with her note of appreciation to the bridge renovation.

This rare artifact was donated to the Time Capsule by the Klyne Esopus Museum and comes from Esopus historian David W. Longendyke’s personal collection. It was uncovered in an archeological dig on the Hudson River in the Town of Esopus. It was carbon dated 3,000 BC - making it 5,000 years old!

How it was used: The projectile was attached to a dart that was then connected to a javelin. It was thrown at prey with an ATLAL throwing device. The process allowed hunters to throw multiple darts at the prey.

Bridge worker Donald (Donny) Beringer donated this 1921 Silver Dollar to the Time Capsule, commemorating the original opening of the Bridge. He also included a Frank Zappa cover band poster from a performance in 2023. Note - the club opened in 1913.

Vern and Carol send mother Joyful Jan’s “love Token” to the future

Other badges, stickers and photos were added at the last minute as well.