In the course of documenting the restoration the Wurts Street Bridge, our goal is to give the viewer a window into the engineering processes utilized to save this beloved structure. The bridge is being renovated by the New York State Department of Transportation with an amazing group of contractors and engineers. The Bridge construction itself is led by steel contractor, Karl Plattner of Northeast Structural Steel, Inc., one of the 4 companies collaborating on this project. They give vivid explanations about the processes needed to repair this bridge. Not surprisingly, those working on the bridge, many of whom are long time bridge building professionals, see this project as unique - an experience that they are passionate and proud to be a part of.
We learn about the physics that make the removal of the old parts of the bridge so tricky and painstaking… and, how the science, engineering and materials have changed over the 100 years since the bridge was built. We'll explore how innovative 21st century technology is being used to repair this weathered, early 20th century structure.
This tiny suspension bridge is the greatest sculpture in Kingston, worthy of a place in Storm King! It’s a great beauty, beloved by the communities it serves and is an important Hudson Valley icon worthy of respect and care.
We are thrilled to once again stroll across the bridge - marvel at the views and say hello to passersby…